
Friday, March 25, 2011

March 25, 2011 - Mix-Match Day, Frozen Hands, a Choir, Report Cards

So, in school, it was Mix-Match Day to celebrate the end of CMTs. You may be thinking, all two of you, that I posted an entry two days ago saying it was the end of CMTs, guess what I'm only in 7th grade and 8th grade has an extra CMT. I laugh at you 8th grade. But then again, I am going into 8th grade next year.

Almost the whole day, I had hands that were as cold as... I don't know a good metaphor for this. I didn't want my hands in contact with anybody, they were freezing.

Oh guess what? The high school, a few minutes walk from the middle school, sent over one of their chorus groups and they sang... during orchestra... fun...

Report cards, children despise it, it tells families of their grades. They get bad grades, they get scolded. For me, I get worse.

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