
Saturday, May 21, 2011

May 21, 2011 - Judgement Day 2, Sky Dimension, SPAZ, and Terraria

Well, today is the Rapture and Judgement Day... What a load of bull.

Notch announced on his Twitter feed that he's going to add a sky dimension where it will generate islands in the air, amazing! PC Gamer made a huge fuss about it and also has some of Notch's screenshots of it. Link below:
More on Minecraft, I'm going to post some screenshots of the custom adventure map I am making.

SPAZ. This game is amazing. It's amazing. It's real name is Space Pirates and Zombie. It's an RTSRPG. Just play it.

Terraria. Most people call it Minecraft 2D. It is nothing like that. It is totally different, well not totally. But it is incredibly fun.

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